877-GO-INDIGO (877-464-6344)  



Making a Difference

Our team at Indigo realizes that one of the best ways to positively impact society is through improved education. Dental Assisting jobs are projected to grow by 8% over the next decade.

We’ve created a highly focused, accelerated curriculum that provides job seekers a quick and affordable onramp to this expanding job market. In as little as 12-weeks, our clients are employed in their first full time position as a Dental Assistant.

Impacting Lives

Our method has always been centered on our students. We love seeing them flourish through the program and in their career in dental assisting

Our Culture

Our team is made up of individuals with a complementary variety of skills and backgrounds, and strong working relationships with each other. Together, we share a passion for training and placing individuals in the first role in their new Dental Assistant career.

It’s important to us that we create an environment where our individuals feel valued, enjoy obtaining a quality education, and ultimately change their lives for the better.

Students First
Continuous Improvement

Disrupting the Education Space

One Student at a Time

Research indicates that higher education costs have spiraled out of control–increasing over 500% over the last three decades.

The founders of Indigo set out to create a better way. We focus on career fields that show strong growth.

We offer affordable tuition at a great value and provide flexible financing plans so that everyone can afford it. 

Basically, we’re providing higher education the upgrade it so desperately needs by reducing cost and guaranteeing job placement.

The Indigo Difference

The Indigo Network + The Indigo Pathway Promise = The Indigo Difference

Everything we do at Indigo is shaped by the one question our students care about most — “How can I land a great job?” Unlike other schools, which are more focused on collecting tuition than preparing students for employment, we measure our success at Indigo based on how well you accomplish your end goal of finding a great job you enjoy. We accomplish this mission by leveraging the “Indigo Network” so that we keep the “Indigo Pathway Promise.”  Here’s how it works:

The Indigo Network – leading local dental offices that support students in three critical ways:


Network offices help shape curriculum to make sure students contribute on day one of employment


Network offices host externships, providing students with critical real-world experience prior to employment. 


Network offices post open positions — actual jobs — that are available for student application upon graduation

Why we're named Indigo

Our name pays homage to an ambitious 18th century entrepreneur named Elizabeth “Eliza” Lucas Pinckney (1722-1793).

Eliza defied convention, not only by becoming an educated female, but by challenging the colonial idea that women weren’t suited for industry. As the daughter of a prominent farmer, Eliza was given an education, which by her own words to her father was “a more valuable fortune than any [he] could have given [her]” and, “will make me happy in my future life.” Eliza was fascinated by botany, the study of plants.

At age 16, she was tasked with running three of her father’s farms. Rather than plant what her neighbors were planting, she experimented with a highly-prized tropical plant called Indigo until it produced seeds, which she then shared with her fellow farmers. Indigo became one of the most important cash crops of the era, with Indigo dye accounting for one-third of exports.

Eliza’s ingenuity and integrity changed the course of history and she became the first woman inducted into South Carolina’s Business Hall of Fame. We hope each of our students will be inspired by Eliza’s drive to excel, innovate, and overcome the odds as they plant the seeds of their own future here at Indigo.

Have additional questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Call or Text: (877) 464-6344